Our Team
Meet our team members:
Sarah Clough
Principal at Hollinhey Primary School
Sarah has had over 30 years of experience - teaching and leading across a range of primary schools in Cheshire East. It is her aim that every pupil gets to experience an interesting and varied curriculum where they can achieve their full potential. Ensuring the best for every child, she believes, is only possible through developing a very caring and enthusiastic staff team who are highly committed to their roles.
She has been the Headteacher of Hollinhey Primary School since 2016. In addition to her headship role, Sarah is an ECAPH (Cheshire East Association of Primary Heads) Executive Member and Director, an academy trust representative on Cheshire East Schools Forum, a primary representative on the Cheshire East SEND Partnership Board and chairs the Schools Forum SEN Funding Group. Sarah has also supported colleagues in other primary schools, at the request of the diocese and the local authority, and is committed to working in partnership across the schools in our multi-academy trust and the wider education sector.