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Our Team

Meet our team members:

Laura Jones

Principal at Underwood West Academy

Laura has been a primary school teacher for the last 25 years and began her career at Underwood West Nursery and Infant School, having been appointed by Aspire Trustee Jane Tomlinson, who was then headteacher. 

After surviving the turbulent time that followed - a devastating arson attack that completely destroyed the infant school in 2002 - Laura was keen to extend her experience to teaching KS2 pupils. Luckily, this opportunity was provided for her when, in 2007, the infant school amalgamated with the on-site junior school and became a primary school - Laura supported the transition by teaching Y3. A couple of short career breaks to have two children of her own followed in quick succession and then in 2010, whilst teaching in Y5, she was appointed Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for leading teaching and learning. Working very closely with Jane as headteacher, she developed strategic thinking and leadership qualities and completed the aspiring heads ‘Heads Together’ training course - although at this time, didn’t really believe headship was something she felt she could do. It was only after returning from a third maternity leave and Jane sharing the news of her impending retirement that Laura realised her passion for the Underwood West community was so overwhelming she had to strive to achieve the headship. Laura became Principal in September 2019 and, although every single day is a challenge in some way, can honestly say the job makes her smile every day; she is very proud of the school. Her passion for the diverse and disadvantaged is what drives Laura forward as well as the amazing team around her. 

When not at school, Laura enjoys spending time with her husband and their three children, particularly getting away on holidays together as much as they can!  They also keep themselves busy breeding exotic shorthair cats as hobby breeders.

Get in touch

Aspire Educational Trust, Belgrave Rd, Macclesfield, SK11 7TF

01625 466914